Children's courses G1-G5


English Simultaneous Tutoring

English Simultaneous Tutoring

Synchronize with School courses, focus on improving students’ English learning literacy and cultivating students’ interest in lifelong English learning;Teachers will provide students with a learning space for choice and development according to their needs; Understand students’ learning process and guide students to explore and seek knowledge in English.

Mathematics Synchronous Tutoring

Mathematics Synchronous Tutoring

The Go Math textbooks specified by IUSD are adopted and integrated with the Everyday Mathematics series textbooks of the University of Chicago;The curriculum covers all the knowledge points that must be mastered in Common Core in California, and the difficulty is deepened, which helps students to fully understand and master the primary school mathematics curriculum, and lays the foundation for junior high school mathematics in advance.

Help parents communicate with the school

Kangaroo Math

The "Olympics" in the United States is the world's largest mathematics thinking challenge for young people. Every year, more than 6.3 million students from 87 countries and regions participate in the competition. Different from the high difficulty and challenge emphasized by the traditional Mathematical Olympiad, the purpose of the Kangaroo Mathematical Thinking Challenge activity is to use interesting and vivid topics that are close to life to stimulate students' interest and confidence in learning mathematics, cultivate students' mathematical thinking, and train students to read, understand, and analyze and solve problems.

English Ability Improvement (Reading and Writing)

English Ability Improvement (Reading and Writing)

Published by McGraw-Hill, one of the two major educational publishing giants in the United States, Wonders textbook is a core textbook compiled according to the American Common Educational Program CCSS. Wonders has a "hamburger-style" curriculum system, with four-in-one listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The goals are differentiated, and each layer is broken. Children's writing uses English and Write Source series of textbooks, combined with California Common Core, to find writing materials from life, stimulate students' writing ideas and help students improve their English writing ability in all aspects in their writing practice.